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Are You Acidic? Symptoms That Show And What Can Help

What are the symptoms to know if your body is too acidic?

Is your body acidified? Many diseases begin with the over-acidification of the body. The body is not alkaline enough to keep the balance.

To prevent damage to the body, the body’s pH must be within a specific range. Even small deviations of the pH value disturb essential body functions, such as transporting nutrients and oxygen. Also, the transmission of nerve signals and the activity of hormones and enzymes.

Cause of acidity

The most common cause of hyperacidity is too many acid-forming foods. Habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts are common reasons the body over acidifies.

The whole body works together to restore chronic hyperacidity to healthy acid-base balance in the blood and body fluids.

Chronic hyperacidity harms the organism. Several symptoms indicate a hyperacidity of the body. The more symptoms there are, the higher the likelihood of hyperacidity.

What is pH?

The term pH means “potential hydrogen” and measures the hydrogen ion concentration of body fluids. The pH scale of body fluids is between 0 and 14. The higher the pH of body fluids, the more oxygenated and alkaline is the environment. The lower the pH, the less oxygen is contained, and the more acidic is the environment.

A slightly basic pH between 7.35 and 7.44 must prevail in our blood. The acidic environment of some areas of our body ensures optimal digestion performance — for example, the situation in the stomach, where the pH is between 1 and 2.


Weak bones

When the healthy pH of body fluids fluctuates, the body tries everything to bring it back into balance.

The body compensates by extracting necessary alkaline minerals from the tissues and other organs to restore balance and reduce acidity. One of these minerals is calcium in the bones, which ensures the strength of the bones.

The bones become weak when the body empties its calcium reserves to counteract hyperacidity.

Osteoporosis, osteopenia, and spontaneous fractures can be signs that the body is over acidic.

Are You Acidic? Symptoms That Show And What Can Help


Muscle aches

Chronic acidification also leads to the absorption of nutrients from the blood inhibited in the muscles. Our muscles need the basic minerals calcium and magnesium to relax the muscles and support their normal function.

A lack of these nutrients often causes the muscles to contract, narrowing the oxygen-carrying blood capillaries. If the muscles do have not enough oxygen, the consequences are often muscle aches, cramps, and weak and tired muscles.

Are You Acidic? Symptoms That Show And What Can Help



If there are too many acids in our body, the body becomes susceptible to bacteria, fungi, and viruses. An acidic environment is perfect for these microorganisms to thrive.

If large flocks of microorganisms gain a position in the digestive tract, gums, and other organs and tissues, they interfere with the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins.

A reduced intake of nutrients interferes with the production of hormones and enzymes. The body needs them for energy production. It causes mental and physical exhaustion.

Also, the immune system is irritated to fight against these infectious invaders. As the immune system depletes over time, the physical and mental energy levels decrease. Therefore, the body becomes more susceptible to disease.

Are You Acidic? Symptoms That Show And What Can Help


Sleep disorders

A low pH often causes the body to feel tired and exhausted but has difficulty falling asleep.

It is a classic symptom that the body lacks calcium. The body tries to extract the calcium from the bones and muscles to neutralize the acids. As a result, the muscles tense, and it comes to an inner restlessness.

Dental problems

The teeth also have calcium reserves, which give strength. In the case of acidification, the body may take the calcium from the teeth.

Low pH in the mouth often leads to demineralization of the enamel.

Sugary foods and drinks also increase the number of lactobacilli in the mouth, increasing the risk of tooth decay.

When acidification of the body attacks the teeth, sensitivity to cold and overly hot foods and drinks increase. Caries can develop, which is particularly painful when eating sweet foods.

Another symptom is bleeding gums, which often occurs after brushing.

Mucus accumulations

A natural defense mechanism of the body is mucus production. The body protects itself against the accumulation of acids and tries to flush them out through the nasal passage.

If the nose regularly clogs or forms mucus accumulations, this can be a sign that the body is too acidic.

Chronic mucus accumulates in the lungs and irritates them. Common effects include excessive cough, wheezing, sinus problems, respiratory problems, and chest pain.

Are You Acidic? Symptoms That Show And What Can Help



If too much acid enters the body due to external circumstances, the body can not get it all out. The fatty tissues temporarily store excess acids, where the acids attach to the fat cells. The consequences are often the accumulation of fat, cellulite, and difficulty in losing weight.

The body needs the fat cells to store and protect itself from the excess acid.


Are You Acidic? Symptoms That Show And What Can Help


Skin problems

Skin problems are dermatological indications of a low pH. Also, the skin is one of the detoxifying organs of the body.

If there are too many acids in the bloodstream, the blood becomes susceptible to bacteria and toxins. The skin, like the liver, begins to compensate and tries to flush out the toxins and acids.

This detoxification process often manifests itself in the form of acne, allergies, rashes, and eczema.

How You Can Get Beautiful Skin By Eating Greens


Tips against acidification

There are several ways and tips to counteract the over-acidification of the body:

Drink a lot. A well-hydrated body can easily remove the excess acids through the digestive tract. The water also improves the nutrient supply to the cells and supports the functions of the organs and muscles. Depending on your body size and physical activity, the body needs 2 to 3 liters a day to stay hydrated.

Drink warm lemon water in the morning. Although lemons are acidic, they metabolize to alkaline during digestion. Lemons help rebalance the pH of body fluids and provide more energy. For the preparation of lemon water: Add the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to a cup of water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.


Eating more greens can prevent an acidic body.

Eat lots of green vegetables and leafy greens. Alkaline foods are kale, broccoli, cucumber, spinach, arugula, cabbage, peppers, chard, zucchini, celery, artichokes, and green asparagus. They help to rebalance the pH of the body and help against hyperacidity. Consume these foods daily.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, soft drinks, meat, and processed foods. These products have an acidifying effect and a negative impact on the body.


Integrate foods with a lot of calcium and magnesium into your diet. Calcium and magnesium are essential minerals. They strengthen bones and teeth and support the health of the musculature, the nervous system, and the heart. The body pulls the calcium out of the bones and magnesium out of the muscles to rebalance it if the pH level is low. To prevent a nutrient deficit, foods with high levels of calcium and magnesium should be integrated into the diet.

Magnesium and calcium-rich food

Foods rich in magnesium are raw cocoa, bananas, avocados, pumpkin seeds, beans, and green leafy vegetables.
Foods with a lot of calcium are broccoli, kale, stinging nettle, hazelnuts, dried figs, and chia seeds.
A targeted detoxification process over several days is very helpful to detoxify the body in the long term and counteracting hyperacidity.


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Dr. Sue Morter: Alkalinity and the immune system

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