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Must Try Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe Shared By A Fan

A fresh Garbanzo beans recipe is something special

Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe from our Friend David.  His blog, I ate the whole, has something special today for us.

He visited the Orange Farmers Market store in Orange, CT, and found some amazing fresh vegetables. Also, the Garbanzo Beans, which he prepared. Here he shared the recipe with us.

He shared 2 other awesome and tasty recipes before you may remember.



Many liked both of them and as David said about the cookies:” I promise that you will NOT be disappointed in these—vegans and non-vegans alike will love these! The non-vegans don’t even need to know they’re vegan, and they’ll never even guess!”

This time, he has a Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe with Sea Salt, something a little bit different, a must-try Appetizer or Starter or an easy snack.

Read his story and get the recipe. Enjoy


Must-Try Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe Shared By A Fan


Must Try Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe Shared By A Fan


Recently I had the pleasure of visiting the amazing Orange Farmers Market store in Orange, CT. From the outside, my expectations were minimal; after all, who would have thought that tucked inside a plaza whose asphalt parking lot has seen better days there would be an affordable grocer stocking fresh and unique produce. After a short initial trip, all I can say is: I’ve found my new “happy place.”

Must Try Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe Shared By A Fan


. I love walking through Wooster Square, especially during the Saturdays of summer, when the City Seed Farmers’ Market is in full swing. Granted, I’m still new to the area and part of it is undoubtedly the excitement of exploring or discovering something new but nevertheless, there is something so special about it here. It felt like home almost immediately.

Must Try Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe Shared By A Fan


The Orange Farmers Market—which despite it’s name is actually a traditional brick and mortar grocer and not what we commonly think of as a “farmers market”—is my latest discovery. I stepped in and wove my way through the isles.

Gorgeous looking fruits and vegetables filled the heart of the store in crates and skillfully assembled produce displays. But beyond what you’d expect to find in any grocery store, they offered an array of unique items: red dandelion greens, cranberry beans, and lady apples, to name a few

Must Try Fresh Garbanzo Beans Recipe Shared By A Fan

Fresh Garbanzos Beans Recipe with Sea Salt

One of the easiest snacks to prepare, and a great use for fresh garbanzo beans in their shells. Think of it as a new take on steamed edamame.
Read the whole story  and get the recipe here

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