See If You Are Making This Killing Vegan Diet Mistakes?
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And 8 Question answered about vegan diet mistakes
Do not make this vegan diet mistake. Let’s learn from Jordan.
In no subject are the theories and opinions so multifaceted as in diet, nutrition, and clean eating. Especially if they want to eat healthily, most people think of a diet with strict nutritional rules. These rules determine our eating behavior from the outside. Often, the needs of the body are disregarded, often resulting in a failing diet in the long term. However, many people are unaware that there is a completely different approach to healthy and clean eating. Listen to your body.
Choose the food according to your appetite and your feeling. Pay not only attention to taste and regulations, is also crucial that the food is good for the body. Do not believe in rigid diet rules, formulas and quantities. Eat what you feel like and enough until you are satisfied.
Jordan is a successful vegan food blogger and made vegan diet mistakes. She thought she is doing all perfectly right, but after she was in her most successful time, she started to feel sick.
Eating the best plant-based food, she did write about and shared recipes. But she did not listen to her body. Everybody is different, and when her biochemistry was totally out of balance, she realized something was wrong.
She was an extreme vegan, and now she had an eating disorder and did not like to acknowledge it even to herself.
Everything has to be in moderation, and listening to the body is essential to living a healthy life.
Read her story below and avoid these vegan diet mistakes.
Blogger Jordan Younger reveals how extreme ‘clean eating’ almost killed her.
Jordan Younger, who shared plant-based recipes as the popular blogger The Blonde Vegan, broke ranks with her 70,000 followers in June 2014 with a post entitled “Why I’m Transitioning Away from Veganism.”
As the post went viral, her site crashed. She lost 1,000 readers and even received death threats.
Now, Younger has written a memoir called “Breaking Vegan” that chronicles her self-destructive fixation with “clean eating,” an obsessive focus on healthy, unprocessed foods.

She writes about suffering from a controversial disorder called “orthorexia.” What began as an attempt to get healthy, morphed into an unhealthy regimen of food restrictions, 800-calorie-a-day juice cleanses and exercise. After a year, Younger had wasted away to 101 pounds, her hair was falling out and she had stopped menstruation.
What is orthorexia?
The term “orthorexia”was coined in the 1990s by San Francisco-based Dr. Steven Bratman, who told TODAY it’s a disorder is marked by a “fanaticism” for pure foods, while sharing several of the “emotionally disturbed” and “self-punishing” features of anorexia.
“Enthusiasm for healthy eating doesn’t become ‘orthorexia’ until a tipping point is reached and enthusiasm transforms into obsession,” says Bratman.
Orthorexia is not recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, and experts disagree on whether it’s an eating disorder or disordered eating with obsessive-compulsive features.
“We see quite a bit of it, but where does it land for someone who does not have a distortion of body image or fear of weight gain?” asked Bradley C. Riemann, clinical director of the OCD Center and Cognitive Behavioral Services at Rogers Hospital in Wisconsin.
Today, at 25 and living in Los Angeles, Jordan Younger says she now eats an unrestricted diet and blogs as “The Balanced Blonde.” Her message these days? “If you want to be healthy, listen to your body. It won’t lead you astray.”
Younger talks about her struggle and recovery with TODAY.
1. How did your obsession with “clean eating” start?
I have an extremely sensitive stomach and I have always been aware of the foods I could and could not eat. In order to feel my best, I became vegetarian at 14 and in college I became a vegan.
I definitely enjoyed the ethical aspects of it, but my main inspiration was health.
2. Who described your disorder as “orthorexia?”
I found the term online and diagnosed myself. My own eating disorder therapist didn’t even know what it was. I had extensive conversations with Dr. Steven Bratman.
I had a pretty severe case. It’s part of my personality. I get obsessed with things I am passionate about.
3. When did you first realize you had a problem?
Six months into the vegan diet…everyone was worried about me. There wasn’t a single time I saw my dad and he didn’t say, “Just try some egg or fish.” My mom came to New York and the whole trip was miserable because I was so restrictive. I had ordered oatmeal in a restaurant and realized it was cooked with milk and not vegan. And I freaked out and threw a tantrum. And I was such an unhappy person.
I tried cleansing and raw veganism. I spent all my time trying to remain vegan, but I didn’t feel well.
4. How did your public persona as The Blonde Vegan fuel your obsessions?
I felt the pressure to remain vegan — it’s what my readers and followers lived for. I knew I had to incorporate more food choices into my diet, but I was worried my whole business would come crashing down.
5. Most vegans don’t become obsessively neurotic — why do you think you did?
Read the full story here >Blogger Jordan Younger reveals how extreme ‘clean eating’ almost killed her
and here > “Why I’m Transitioning Away from Veganism.”