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How To Know If You Have Vitamin Deficiency – The Signs

How To Know If You Have Nutrient Deficiency – Signs of vitamin deficiency

The body gives us different signs when something is not working correctly. If you listen to your body and know how to interpret them, you can prevent diseases early. Here, you can learn more about signs of vitamin deficiency.

An unbalanced diet does not always cover all of the body’s vitamin needs. Vitamin deficiency can often also occur with plant-based diets.

Do we eat vegetables without nutrients?

The soil is the nutrient store for the plants that grow on it. Naturally, soils have a balance of nutrients because the plants release their nutrients back into the soil after they die off. In our agriculture, most of the plants are removed during harvesting, so the nutrients gradually disappear. The impoverishment of agricultural land automatically leads to lower food quality.

Did you know that a carrot you can eat today contains 99% less vitamin A than a carrot your grandma ate? And it’s not just about carrots!

Vitamin Deficiency the Signs

See > Changes in USDA food composition data for 43 garden crops, 1950 to 1999

What are the signs of a vitamin deficiency?

If you do not take enough vitamins every day, you do not get sick immediately, but you can become more susceptible to certain diseases and disorders. We need vitamins for all body processes; if these are missing, various symptoms can occur. The 5 most unusual signs of vitamin deficiency are:

Cracked corners of the mouth

Cracks in the edges of the mouth is attributed to a lack of B vitamins, especially riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and B12, as well as the lack of iron and zinc. It is common in vegans and vegetarians with an unbalanced diet.

Vegans and vegetarians can eat lentils, peanuts, dried tomatoes, sesame seeds, or Swiss chard.

Vitamin C is also essential to promote the absorption of iron. The foods mentioned in combination with broccoli, cabbage, red peppers, and cauliflower are functional.

Vitamin Deficiency the Signs

Red rash on the face or hair loss

It may be a zinc deficiency. Hair loss is often a symptom of a lack of nutrients. Also, poorly healing wounds, dry skin, rash, reddened skin, or large hematomas.

These symptoms can also occur with a vitamin B7 deficiency (biotin) and a lack of vitamins A, D, E, or K.

The solution is to consume brewer’s yeast, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, whole grain cereals, avocado, cauliflower, mushrooms, raspberries, and bananas.

Cheeks, arms, and thighs have red pimples.

It can be due to the lack of vitamin A or D. In contrast to acne pimples, they are very robust and hurt when removed. These pimples are like little fat balls.

In this case, you should avoid saturated fats and trans fats and consume more healthy fats. Put the following foods on your daily diet: linseed, chia hemp seeds, and dried fruits, and nuts.

Carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers also contain valuable beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A in the body.

Cramps and pain in the feet and calves

Potassium, calcium, or magnesium deficiency can be to blame. Perhaps one or more of these minerals are missing. Intense exercise training may result in excessive sweating and loss of water-soluble minerals and vitamins, the B group.

But don’t stop exercising because of this. You should improve your diet: bananas, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin, cherries, apples, broccoli, grapefruit, kale, dandelions, and spinach, right in this case.

Leg cramps are also a sign of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin Deficiency the Signs

Tingling and falling asleep in the hands and feet

These signs of vitamin deficiency can be vitamin B deficiency, especially the lack of vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid), and B12 can lead to it. If these nutrients are lacking, the peripheral nerves are negatively affected.

Depression, anxiety, exhaustion, anemia, and hormonal disorders can also occur. In this case, you should consume more asparagus, spinach, and beans. 

Vitamin Deficiency the Signs

Consequences of vitamin deficiency 

In addition to the signs of vitamin deficiency mentioned above, here a list of other possible symptoms that can arise from an unbalanced diet.

Vitamin A

The lack of vitamin A leads to fatigue, poor night vision, skin and tooth problems, susceptibility to illness, and bleeding gums.

Vitamin B

Symptoms of a vitamin B1 deficiency can include the following: insomnia, fatigue, weakness, muscle weakness, depression, irritability, weight loss, stomach, or heart problems.
In the absence of vitamin B2, the following symptoms can occur red, painful eyes, injuries in the mouth and on the tongue, oily hair, dermatitis, fatigue.
A vitamin B3 deficiency can lead to headaches, lack of energy, bad breath, nervousness, ulcers, loss of appetite, and stomach upset.
If there is not enough vitamin B5, cramps, tiredness, burning feet, irregular heartbeat, nausea, and sleep problems can occur.
The lack of vitamin B6 can lead to insomnia, anemia, skin problems, hair loss, cramps, and fluid retention.
A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause tiredness, diarrhea, balance problems, depression, loss of appetite, nerve inflammation, and pain in the mouth or tongue.

Vitamin Deficiency the Signs

Vitamin C

If this vitamin is lacking, wounds and fractures heal poorly. Bleeding from the nose or gums, joint pain, and inflammation, indigestion, hematoma, or anemia can also occur.

Vitamin D

The lack of vitamin D weakens the bones and can also lead to rickets, caries, kidney deposits, muscle weakness, and reduced calcium absorption.

Vitamin E.

Anemia is a sign of vitamin deficiency.
The lack of vitamin E can cause anemia, heart problems, fertility problems, or nervousness. It can also lead to reduced reflexes or balance and walking difficulties.

The good news is that many farmers started to go the path of regenerative agricultural practices. Now is the time for a change.

See also > Vitamin E Benefits

See also > Vitamin K: Benefits, How to Get It, and How Much You Need

Also, we can do a lot to avoid Vitamin and Nutrition deficiency by eating fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and crops. Support the organic farmers and buy locally. Keep yourself healthy,  cook at home, exercise, and meditate.

You may like to try to Complement nutrients—the easiest and best way of prevention.

Also, see >Signs Of Nutrient Deficiency That Can Be Seen On The Face

and > Why Is Zinc Important In A Plant-Based Diet?


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