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What makes a vegetable a vegetable and a fruit a fruit? Fruit or Vegetable? Vegetables or fruit? This can be confusing! Have you ever wondered what exactly differentiates
How to Make Healthy Junk Food What is vegan junk food? Is there really vegan-friendly junk food? Absolutely! It turns out that there are a number of vegan
The Cake is not only a special treat for Christmas. A vegan white cake is, for many, an irresistible treat. Here we have truly something special. A vegan
You can impress your non-raw food friends with these Raw Food Recipes With these Raw Food Recipes, you can impress everyone. Especially the sweet raw food is awesome
Discover popular and traditional Desserts from around the world. Who does not like Desserts? Everywhere in the world, people have their traditional sweet dishes, and some of them
What about Pudding for dessert? Are you looking for an easy Pudding recipe? Pudding always works, both after a meal with friends and as a delicious dessert for
Desserts for nutrition-conscious gourmands The delicious Vegan desserts have long freed themselves from their shadow existence. Even most restaurants today offer plant-based desserts and cakes because the demand
Spice up your kitchen with Lovage, the Maggi herb, with fragrant leaves. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) was a prevalent spice in antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is also