Basic Diet – Part 2 – Why A Alkaline Diet
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Chronic hyperacidity – how can alkaline diet help?
Suppose you eat a pepperoni pizza – a perfect example of a highly acid-forming meal.
The pizza consists mainly of flour, cheese, sausage, and tomato sauce. Also, it has a considerable number of artificial additives such as flavor enhancers, stabilizers, preservatives, acidity regulators, etc.
All of these ingredients are extremely acid-forming. It means when digested in the body; it builds a lot of acids.
Unfortunately, the body cannot efficiently excrete these acids. It must neutralize them because the corrosive properties would harm the cells.
It is done with the help of the body’s basic buffer substances such as sodium bicarbonate or with alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which our body needs daily.
We sacrifice a considerable amount of these valuable minerals for the metabolism of a pizza!
Acidification leads to mineral deficiencies.
Why an alkaline diet?
Meals and drinks that are acid-forming such as pizza, we eat and drink several times daily. And often are, minerals in the body in our time in short supply.
The result is a flood of acids in the organism. Large quantities of buffer substances and minerals are needed to neutralize all of the incoming acids. The body tries desperately to keep its acid-base balance.
But with Pizza, we do not get nearly as many minerals as the organism for the neutralization of these acids needs. Where to take it from?
The body needs to plunder its mineral deposits from the bones, and it gets minerals from the teeth, the scalp, the blood vessels, or the organs.
The risk is severe long-term damage such as tooth decay, varicose veins, hair loss, osteoporosis, brittle nails, intervertebral disc disease, arteriosclerosis, etc. But the body has no other choice but to keep alive. Our body needs a balanced, alkaline diet.
The blood must remain basic, no matter what; otherwise, it results in acidosis, and this may lead to an early death. It needs a basic diet.
It is generally the now standard diet: coffee, toast, jam or eggs with bacon for breakfast, pasta and lunch, meat and bread with sausage or cheese for dinner, and a lot of carbonated drinks and sugar-rich sweets in between.
Acidification makes you fat.
At the same time, the body will create as many fat cells as possible. Grease is excellent for the storage of acids or their waste products and protects the vital organs from harmful acids.
So you are possibly not fat, but just too acidic!
And unless you are too acidic, sustained weight loss often remains an unfulfilled desire.
In an overly acidic condition, a diet is useless and not intelligent. You would take your organ’s Bodyguard away and expose them to the harsh acids.
With an alkaline diet, the pounds often melt away automatically.
Acid overloaded organs
If the acids are neutralized, they must be eliminated by the kidneys, the skin, the intestine, or the uterus ( with the monthly bleeding). But because of the large amount of acid, this often happens not entirely with the usual diet.
Without an alkaline diet, the excretory organs are overloaded, and the body stores the waste products. Only when we offer the body the opportunity during a detox can the waste be eliminated.
Acidification and its consequences
If acids remain in the body:
They clog blood vessels ( atherosclerosis), leading to high blood pressure with all its consequences.
Acids accumulate in the fine vessels of the retina and cause a need for stronger glasses.
They embed themselves in the scalp and let your hair fall out.
Acids form kidney, gall, and bladder stones.
They block joints and lead to pain and arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatism.
The skin gets wrinkles and age spots, and cellulite can occur.
Acidification attracts bacteria and fungi.
If you are too acidic, it is also just as if you call all the “bad ” microorganisms.
It is not bacteria or viruses; it is us.
Because we made our acidity, nowhere, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms feel as comfortable as in an acidic environment.
So, you will often have colds and suffer from flu-like infections and inflammation of the sinuses. You will also have skin rashes, allergies, and headaches.
Fungi such as Candida albicans will ensure you are bloating, vaginal infections, fatigue, cravings for sweets, excessive appetite, and blood sugar fluctuations.
If you are too acidic, your immune system can work only at half-strength. Therefore, diseases of any kind – infectious diseases, chronic diseases – are more than usual.
Health can only develop in a body with an acid-base balance from an alkaline diet.
Suitable acid agents, for example:
Millet, cereals like quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat
Organic cereals, for example, are spelled, Kamut or barley in small quantities – ideally as a seed sprout.
Nuts, legumes, Cocoa powder of high quality, best in organic food quality,
All highly processed products of the food industry are bad acid-forming foods.
See also > Why Alkaline Vegan Recipes Are Good For Your Health.