The Best Vegan Pumpkin Recipes To Celebrate Fall
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Celebrate fall with the Best Vegan Pumpkin Recipes
The best Vegan Pumpkin Recipes are here for you .Get ready to celebrate the fall season with Pumpkin Spice. No-Bake Pumpkin Pie,Pumpkin Spice Pancakes,Creamy Pumpkin Penne, Pumpkin Coconut Curry,Pumpkin & Black Bean Quesadillas, and more.
Pumpkin is the fruit, or better Vegetable of the fall season and healthy as well. Pumpkin Spice is clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger. Healthy and warming spice with many benefits. Pumpkin is rich in vital antioxidants, and vitamins.
Pumpkin is low in calories and contains vitamin A, and flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, xanthin, and carotenes in abundance.Even the seed of the Pumpkin have a lot of benefits.Pumpkins can be stored for many weeks.
Get them locally grown at the Farmers Market. Try the best pumpkin recipes this fall and enjoy the benefits of this Vegetable with its beautiful colors.
Also see this Recipe > Pumpkin Sandwich Cookie
and > The best Pumpkin Spice of all World
The Best Vegan Pumpkin Recipes To Celebrate Fall
Most of these recipes happen to be pretty healthy — pumpkin spice offers a host of health benefits, and because these recipes are vegan and (mostly) not-too-sweet, you can actually be both cozy and not in a sugar coma when you eat them.
Read on for 15 vegan pumpkin-based recipes that will have you drooling in no time.
1. Creamy No-Bake Pumpkin Pie
This is the pumpkin pie I’ve made multiple times now, and it goes fast. I adapt The Minimalist Baker’s raw pumpkin pie pie recipe based on a happy accident: I make and half-bake a regular crust, pour in the chilled pumpkin filling, and then finish baking the crust for just 10 minutes, letting the pie sit in the fridge overnight. The result is a sort of half-cooked, half-raw pie, and it’s f-ing delicious. Raw on its own is great too, of course.
2. Pumpkin-Stuffed Cookies
I’m a sucker for anything that looks as bizarre as this. A pumpkin pie stuffed in a chocolate cookie? Why yes, Chocolate Covered Katie, don’t mind if I do.
3. Pumpkin Coconut Curry
A pumpkin curry is always my favorite kind of curry. But curry is also one of those things I’m always too lazy to make — even though it isn’t actually that hard. Luckily, my dude is the cook and I’m the baker, so I’ll be having him make this pumpkin coconut curry from Love & Lemons real soon.
4. Pumpkin Baked French Toast

This recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie uses silken tofu instead of eggs and goes straight in the oven. Like most of her recipes, it’s somewhat unusual and (I’m betting) tasty and healthy as hell.
Yes, you can make quesadillas with things besides cheese! One delicious place to start? Pumpkin puree and beans, with this easy recipe from Fo Reals Life.
6. Pumpkin Currant Bread
Moist pumpkin bread is right up there for me with licking chocolate cake batter off a spoon, which is saying something. This one from Minimalist Baker shouldn’t disappoint — and remember, if you like your desserts less sweet like I do, just go slowly and taste as you go before you add the suggested amount of sugar.
7. Creamy Pumpkin Penne
This creamy pumpkin penne from Love & Lemons will answer the question vegans may get most: but how do you live without cheese?! Quite nicely, thanks.
8. Pumpkin Spice Pancakes
Have these pancakes from Minimalist Baker with your vegan pumpkin spice latte and you should be good on sugar and happiness for the week.
Get even more recipes here >Recipes To Get You In The (Cruelty-Free) Fall Spirit
Also see Creamy Pumpkin Soup Variations A Autumn Pleasure