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Delicious Quick Vegan Desserts Only Three Ingredients Needed (Video)

A healthy vegan dessert easy and quick

Delicious quick vegan desserts, only 3 ingredients are needed for them. 3  quick vegan dessert recipes with Avocado.

Avocados are healthy

Lots of healthy nutrients make avocados a superfood par excellence. Whether as classic guacamole, raw, in salads, as a creamy smoothie, or as dessert.

The avocado has the highest fat content of all known fruits and vegetables: It can easily be around 30 percent. The fat of the avocado is considered healthy: The fruit contains mainly unsaturated fatty acids. These should, among other things, have a favorable effect on the cholesterol level. Aslo, the avocado contains plenty of vitamins, for example, the B group and vitamins A and E.

In addition, the pulp of avocado offers the so-called “happiness hormone” serotonin. Probably for this reason, the fruit is said to have an aphrodisiac effect.

Get to know the avocado from its sweet side

Get to know the avocado from its sweet side – Discover great and versatile avocado recipes for desserts. Whether in cake, as a cake, cream or ice cream, the avocado is versatile to use and still so delicious!

In no time, avocado has become one of the most popular ingredients for green smoothies. Most smoothie lovers have already tried it and are thrilled – especially if a mixer is available, which also allows them to chop the seeds. The fruit is especially popular because of its ability to give the smoothie a particularly creamy consistency.

A tip; If the avocados are still too immature, you can put them together with a banana in a paper bag and ripen at room temperature. Then it tastes good.

3  quick vegan desserts 

Here we have 3  delicious vegan desserts that are very easy to prepare and it does not need much time. 

One is Chocolate Avocado Mousse, Blackberry Avocado Mousse, and Lime Avocado Mousse.

The ingredients are combined in a food processor and pulsed until completely smooth; about 1-2 minutes.

This is all it takes and you will have delicious vegan desserts especially kids will love. The basic ingredient of this delicious vegan dessert is Avocado.

Delicious quick vegan desserts – only 3 ingredients

Source  thedomesticcgeek

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