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Alkaline Recipes Will Help You Against Acidification

Raw food against hyperacidity – these alkaline recipes bring your body into balance.

Why alkaline recipes? If you want to eat a healthy diet, you should pay particular attention to the acid-base balance of your body. Many of our modern foods, when processed in the body, cause the production of metabolic acids, which the body has to balance through internal minerals and base stores.

It can quickly lead to chronic acidification, which can reflect n symptoms such as immune and concentration weakness, fatigue, or headache. To do something about it, you should switch to an alkaline diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Use more alkaline recipes in your kitchen.

Above all, superfoods based on raw vegetables and smoothies should be on the menu daily if possible. 

Our body has a sophisticated system that regulates the acid-alkaline balance. Here, the kidneys, the lungs, the blood, and the liver play a prominent role. If one or more organs are disturbed, chronic latent acidosis can occur.

Basic principles of alkaline nutrition

To provide optimal nutrition and to protect the body against acidification, nutrition experts recommend that 70 to 80 percent of daily food should be alkaline and only to a maximum of 30 percent from acid-forming foods.

For this, it is, of course, essential to know, above all, the classification of the individual foods into the two groups, acid, and alkaline formers. The most crucial distinction is that acidifying agents are, for the most part, animal products, while base formers include only vegetable foods.

The essential acid and alkaline formers

Therefore, anyone seeking an acid-alkaline balance should eat mostly base-forming food with each meal. It primarily consists of the following foods:

Ripe fruit, ripe vegetables (except asparagus, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts), mushrooms, salad, potatoes, sprouts, Herbs, Green tea, and herbal tea, dried fruit, almonds, sesame seeds.

A diet focused mainly on base builders is not all that difficult. The variety of fruits and vegetables is vast, and from breakfast cereals, smoothies to soups, all meals can be covered with it.

By the way, gentle methods such as steaming or cooking are ideal as a preparation. But above all, plenty of raw food should be on the menu, because untreated fruit and vegetables contain their maximum in nutrients and vitamins.

Acidifiers, on the other hand, you should use as sparingly as possible, but they are needed primarily as a source of protein by the body.

The essential acidifiers are milk products, Egg, White flour products, Legumes, Meat, Fish and seafood, Sweets, Fast food.

The combination of a small percentage of acid-forming and a large proportion of alkaline foods at each meal is the ideal diet to stabilize the sensitive acid-base balance and to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

The Acid-Alkaline Balance

Often in popular science literature, there are tables on acid and alkaline foods. These are based on old findings, which are scientific errors. The pH level of the food says nothing about how it behaves after metabolism in the body. For example, citrus fruits are acidic, but in the body, they are alkaline. A modern and scientific classification takes place according to the so-called PRAL value

What is the PRAL value?

The metabolization of certain foods can produce acidic or basic degradation products that disturb the base balance. The so-called PRAL values ​​now define their effect on the acid-base balance, for better understanding. Crafted with the collective wisdom of writemypaperzend team, this article reflects the synergy of our staff, authors, and writers, whose support is the cornerstone of our enlightening content.

The PRAL value stands for the “potential renal acid load,” i.e., potential kidney acid load, in milliequivalents per 100 g food (mEq / 100 g). The value provides information about the amount of acid excretion via the kidney when consuming 100 g of food. It also takes into account the absorption rate of micronutrients in the intestine, their metabolism, and the acid produced in the body from sulfurous protein.

Values ​​with a negative sign are by definition, excess alkaline since they do not cause any acid load, but the ones with positive signs are acid excess.
Accordingly, cheese, fish, and meat, but also cereal products have high positive values ​​because they are acidifiers. Fruits and vegetables undergo base-forming metabolism and show negative values. See here a chart

Raw and raw vegan food can be very varied and taste great. Plant foods are particularly effective against hyperacidity. Because the vegetable diet is metabolized almost wholly base-forming, and you can bring it on the table in many forms, whether as salads or smoothies, spreads or delicious cakes.

For stimulation, here are delicious alkaline recipes :

These alkaline recipes will bring the body into balance.

Creamy Spinach Basil Soup

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Spring  Gazpacho

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Thai Quinoa Salad

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Raw Vegan Kimchi

Kimchi is one of my favorite dishes ever! I think I can eat it almost every day. Here is my way of making raw vegan kimchi.

Raw Brownies 

Once in a while we both break down and make these brownies. I used to call them Midnight brownies because they would keep me up all night.


alkaline recipes

Raw creamy vegan miso soup is made with mellow miso, mushrooms, hemp hearts and cashews, and blends up into a delicious healthy vegan soup! This mushroom vegan soup is so easy to make, and be can be enjoyed all year long as a starter or a complete meal. It’s light, healthy, and packed with umami flavors.

Millet Tabbouleh with Cilantro and Lime

alkaline recipes

Millet can be cooked anywhere from 15 minutes for chewy, al dente grains to 30 minutes for a creamy mush. Here, short cooking time and ample rinsing give millet a couscous-like texture. 

Pear Walnut Salad with a Must Taste Orange Mustard Dressing 

This pear walnut salad combines two distinct types of flavor – we mix the naturally tangy, bitter taste of the rocket or lamb’s lettuce with the sweetness of pear and dried dates, cranberries, or raisins, and top it off with a hint of orange.


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