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The Plant Based Lifestyle Is It Really More Healthy?

Plant-Based Lifestyle What Do Vegans Eat 

Why a plant-based lifestyle?  

More and more people are attracted to a plant-based lifestyle. Many stars and starlets go vegan. The reasons for the renunciation of all animal products by vegan celebrities are manifold – be it for health reasons, animal lovers, or environmental aspects.

Vegans are trendy, sexy, and healthy.

There are good reasons to cook vegan!

It is said: Cooking is Love made visible!

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A vegan diet and nutrition increase your performance. For example, Athletes eating meat only have half the stamina, Vegan athletes have better muscle regeneration.

Vegans are leaner. Digesting plant-based foods requires less energy. This provides the body with more energy for the immune system and performance.

Vegan life longer, they have a lower risk for diabetes 2 and 50% less risk of suffering from blood pressure.

A plant-based diet helps to protect the environment.

The plant-based lifestyle and Vegan Food are by no means boring!

That vegans avoid all foods of animal origin is well known. Yet many outsiders simply can not imagine what that looks like. Meat has gone – all right. But milk is gone, eggs gone, honey gone – and for heaven’s sake, not even the cheese? That it is by no means monotonous to eat vegan. If you are open to new things, you will expand your menu considerably.

Are vegan foods automatically healthy?

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Some unhealthy ingredients like animal fats are avoided, but refined sugars, artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, and other chemical additives are “allowed.” Chips, biscuits, chips, or soft drinks – everything’s vegan. Even vegan food junkies can be so-called animal-friendly. Those who want to change their diet, especially for their own health, should pay attention to the list of ingredients and prefer to use as little processed food.

Tips for a healthy  plant-based vegan diet

Anyone who lives vegan eats and does not use anything that comes from the animal – neither meat, fish, and eggs nor dairy products, honey, and leather. Also, skin and hair care products and cosmetics are only used if they are free of animal ingredients.

For those who have been eating and living “normally,” the vegan diet is a challenge at first. Thanks to the numerous vegan cookbooks and guidebooks the market has to offer; the vegan diet is no longer a problem at all. Everyone will find extensive information and recipes for an individually tailored vegan diet, whether vegan athletes, vegan mothers, vegan children, raw vegans, or normal vegan people.

Not all information refers to a healthy vegan diet. Because there are among the vegans also the junk food vegans.

They love fast food, finished products, pastries, baked goods, sweets, and sweetened soy desserts. They simply live according to the motto “mainly vegan.” Whether the diet is healthy is not particularly interesting to them.

Vitamin B12 in the plant-based diet

Vegan foods with vitamin B12: On some vegan websites or even in some books, you can find the following vegan foods that are supposed to be able to provide vegans with vitamin B12:

Mushrooms, Spirulina, Chlorella, sea algae like Nori. Root vegetables like carrots and beetroot.

Wheatgrass and barley grass. Fermented soy products like miso and tempeh and sauerkraut

Brewer’s yeast, seasoning yeast flakes, and palm sugar

But if you are 100% vegan, it is recommended to take vitamin B12 supplements.

Omega-3 fatty acids in the vegan diet

Many of the alleged nutritional experts fear that vegans may be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. How to eat the right amount of vegan food?

Linseed oil, hemp oil, and chia seeds provide abundant amounts of  omega-3 fatty acids. However, studies have also shown that vegans have a particularly high conversion rate, and their omega-3 level in the blood is often comparable to that of meat and fish eaters.

Iron in the vegan diet

Many still believe iron is found mainly in meat; also, many have convinced themselves that spinach has not as much iron as once claimed. Both are wrong. Iron is by no means found mainly in animal products, and spinach and many other green leafy vegetables are a super-iron source.

Vegan food with a lot of iron is Iron-rich nuts and seeds

Pumpkin seeds, Hemp seeds, Linseed, Sunflower seeds

Pistachio, Pine nuts, Almonds and Hazelnuts, and Cashew Kernels

Iron-rich dried fruits are  Peaches, Apricots, Figs, Banana, Plums, Raisin, and Dates

Iron-rich green leaves and wild vegetable ideal for the green smoothie

Basil, Dill, Nettle, Parsley, Spinach fresh, Dandelion, Watercress, Corn salad, Radicchio, and other Salads

Iron-rich vegetables are Jerusalem artichoke, Cabbage species, Beetroot

Iron-rich legumes are Lentils, Chickpeas, Peas, and Fresh green peas.

Tofu and Iron-rich cereals like Amaranth, Quinoa, Millet, Oatmeal, Spelt, and brown rice.

Zinc in the vegan diet

In the case of zinc, some people immediately think of meat and milk, but no. with a purely vegan diet, it is no problem to ensure the zinc supply.

To see what such a zinc-friendly vegan diet can look like, here’s an example nutritional plan for a day that provides far more zinc than you need.

Breakfast: Muesli from 50 g of oatmeal, 10 g of linseed, 20 g almonds or cashews all soaked overnight, and 15 g dried fruit.

or Green smoothie from 100 g of spinach, 100 g of fruits, 10 g  almond butter, and Water as needed.

Lunch: 100 g quinoa (dry, soak overnight before cooking), 100 g of broccoli, and 100 g oyster mushrooms.

Snack (about 2.1 / 2.3 mg zinc): 30 g pumpkin seeds or 50 g cashew nuts

 Dinner (about 3.2 mg zinc) 100 g Spelt wholemeal bread with sunflower seeds, 100 g avocado as a spread, Raw food such as cucumber sticks or pepper strips

Iodine in the vegan diet

When it comes to iodine, seafood and fish are in the foreground, but there are many other sources of iodine that a vegan can use without having supplements.

 Pure herbal foods for iodine supply :

Sea algae are first-class iodine suppliers, also Mushrooms, Broccoli, Spinach, Shiitake mushroom fresh, Radish, Endive Salad, and Cabbage.

Also: Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Cashew kernels, Linseed, and legumes like Dry peas, Green peas cooked and Grain, Barley, wheat, corn, rye, oats, Quinoa, Oatmeal and Salt, Herbal salt with kelp.

Spirulina and Spirulina tablets,  Chlorella and Chlorella Tablets.

Calcium in the plant-based diet

Calcium – the favorite mineral of dairy and cheese lovers – is also often the focus of discussions about nutrient supply in the vegan diet. The calcium requirement can be wonderfully covered with a vegan diet.

Proteins in the plant-based diet

Studies show that vegans are well supplied with fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. Also, it should be remembered that the protein requirement is likely to be lower than commonly thought. An excess of protein can be extremely unhealthy and can shorten life.

Since proteins are not only found in animal foods but in any food, there is no lack of protein in the vegan diet.

Of course, the proportion of protein in vegetables is lower than in meat, but you eat a lot of vegetables in the vegan diet,

Very good pure vegetable protein sources are legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, etc.), oilseeds (pumpkin and sunflower seeds), cereals and pseudo-cereals, and nuts of all kinds. Details on protein supply in vegan diets you can find here: THE BEST HIGH PROTEIN AND IRON-RICH FOODS FOR VEGANS

If you want to increase your protein supply, then you can make a vegetable protein powder from rice, peas, Hemp, or lupine, which by the way, also represents a perfect nutritional supplement for normal-eating athletes. The vegetable protein powders can be easily mixed into drinks or smoothies.

Protect Yourself and Your Family from the most common chronic vegan deficiencies — without taking a bunch of supplements.  Click here

 The plant-based lifestyle can be easy and fun.

A healthy plant-based vegan diet is not a problem. Therefore, if you consider the tips above, you are well supplied with all the necessary nutrients and vital substances, even better than some “normal eaters”.

Have fun with your plant-based vegan lifestyle, and be trendy, sexy, and healthy!

If you’re looking for delicious plant-based vegan recipes, you can find them on this website.

See also 15 Healthy Meal Ideas To Take With You On The Go

Protect  Yourself and Your Family from the most common chronic vegan deficiencies — without taking a bunch of supplements.  Click here


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