The Benefits of The Neem Tree – The “Wonder Leaf”
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What are the benefits of the Neem Tree leaves?
There are so many benefits we can receive from these miraculous Neem Tree. Can we even use them in the Kitchen? The Neem tree has leaves which are real “Wonder Leaves.” You can see it in the infographic below.
The Neem tree, also known as Azadirachta indica belongs to the Mahagoni family and is native to India. We also can find it in Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. The Neem tree grows in tropical regions and is now also people on an island in south Iran grow it for the production of neem oil.
Neem is a fast-growing evergreen tree and reaches a high of20 meters and sometimes even more. It only will lose its leaves by drought. If blooming the Tree has beautiful white and fragrant flowers and the fruit looks similar to olives which has 1-3 seeds inside.
In many tropic regions, Neem is considered a weed, but in India, products made from the Neem tree have been used for millennia and are known for their beneficial medical properties and have been used in Ayurveda. People eat tender shoots and flowers and use it as a vegetable in parts o India.
There is a wealth of information and uses and benefits of this miraculous Neem Tree and the “Wonder leafs” you can read below more about.
The Benefits of The Neem Tree – The “Wonder Leaf”
Sadhguru: Neem is a very unique tree, and neem leaves are the most complex leaves on the planet. The neem tree has over 130 different biologically active compounds, and the neem leaf is one of the most complex leaves you can find on the planet.
Sadhguru looks at the many medicinal benefits and uses of neem leaves, a versatile natural product that can be used beneficially on the skin, against cancer and bacteria, and in yogic sadhana
#1 Anti-cancer benefits of neem
Consuming neem every day keeps the number of cancerous cells within a certain limit.
Neem has many incredible medicinal benefits, but one of the most important things is it kills cancerous cells. Everyone has cancerous cells in their body, but normally, they are disorganized. However, if you create certain situations in the body, they will get organized. As long as these cells are loafing around by themselves, it is not an issue. If they all gather in one place and hit it off, it becomes a problem. This is like a shift from petty crime to organized crime. It is a serious problem. If you consume neem every day, it keeps the number of cancerous cells in the body within a certain limit so that they will not gang up against your system.
#2 Anti-bacterial benefits of neem
The world is full of bacteria. So is the body. There are more microorganisms living in you than you can imagine. Most of these bacteria are helpful. Without them, you would not be able to digest anything. In fact, you cannot exist without them. But some bacteria can cause you trouble.
Your body constantly spends energy to manage these bacteria. If excess levels of bacteria occur, you will feel “down” because your defense mechanism has to spend too much energy to fight them.
By using neem internally and externally, you can manage these bacteria in such a way that they will not overgrow, and your body will not have to spend too much energy fighting them. If you consume a certain amount of neem on a daily basis, it will destroy the troublesome bacteria in the intestinal region, and your colon will generally remain clean and free of infection. By using neem internally and externally, you can manage bacteria so that they will not overgrow
Also, if there is a slight smell in certain areas of the body, it means bacteria are a little more active there. Almost everyone has some minor skin issues, but if you wash your body with neem, it becomes clean and radiant. If you rub your body with neem paste before having a bath, let it dry for some time, and then wash it off with water, it will act as a good antibacterial cleanser. Alternatively, you can soak a few neem leaves in water overnight and bathe with this water in the morning.
#3 Benefits of neem for yogic sadhana
Above all, neem generates heat in the body. This generation of heat is supportive of generating intense forms of energy within the system. Different qualities can be predominant in the body – two of these aresheeta and ushna, in traditional terms. The closest word for “sheeta” in English is “cold,” but that is not exactly what it is. If your system moves towards sheeta, the mucus levels in the body will go up. Excess mucus in the system is linked to a variety of conditions, from the common cold and sinusitis to many other issues.
Neem generates heat in the body. This is supportive for generating intense forms of energy.
Read even more about the Neem Leafs
The Neem Leaf in the kitchen
Sweet Potato & Neem Leaves Vegetable Curry Recipe
Neem & Sweet potato have extreme differences in taste but have numerous health benefits. I combined them into a single healthy dish by making this simple Sweet Potato & Neem Leaves Vegetable Curry Recipe.
Crispy Neem with Coconut | Neem Narkel Bhaja
The bitter taste is a characteristic of any dish with neem leaves which, in all honesty, is an acquired taste. There are ways of eating this dish – some prefer to mix lightly stir-fried neem leaves with salted mashed potatoes and then eat it with rice. Some like to add some fried brinjal while most others prefer to run away from it altogether.
VepamPooSadam / Dried Neem Flower Rice
Vepampoo Sadam or Dried Neem flower rice is a quick home remedy for stomach disorders. The Neem flowers are known for its digestive properties.
Neem Begun (Video) | Stir-fried Neem with Eggplant
The Neem Begun is a very simple entree recipe that’s so typical of Bengal. Its bitter taste might make you pucker but its health benefits are outrageous. With the ushering of the Spring season in India, especially in Bengal Neem Begun acts as a holistic approach to life.
Crispy diced Eggplant with Bitter Neem Leaves
Bitter-tasting vegetable dishes are popular in Bengal. They are known to stimulate a failing appetite and pleasantly contrast with other tastes.
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