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What Is A Basic Diet Or Alkaline Diet And PH Level?

 Why should we eat an Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet provides us with minerals, all nutrients, and vital substances needed to keep our body in a healthy balance. It avoids all those acid and waste products that build up in our bodies with a regular diet. The acid-base balance will harmonize, and the body will be at a proper and healthy pH level. The result is an active and healthy person full of energy and zest for life.

Staying young, slim, and fit with an alkaline diet.

The basic diet

The alkaline diet is a diet of basic foods that avoid the acid-forming entirely in the body.

The alkaline diet prevents naturally excessive acidity, which can be blamed for almost every known chronic condition, and helps to reduce existing acidification.
The goal of the is a balanced acid-base condition in the body.

The alkaline diet and pH level

The pH level of our body indicates how basic or how acidic we are. The measuring scale of the pH level is from 1 to 14, values over 7 are basic below are acidic, 7 is neutral.

Hyperacidity does not necessarily mean that the entire body is acidic and has all pH values below 7.
In acidification, the balance is disturbed. Those areas of the body that should be basic in a healthy state have excess acids, and those areas of the body that should be acidic in a healthy state have an elevated pH.

For example, the pH value in the blood should always be alkaline, the lymph should be basic, and the bile is also the connective tissue and a large part of the small intestine.

The large intestine should have a slightly acidic pH in healthy people, and a healthy acid-base balance and also the stomach should be acidic.

The alkaline diet regulates the acid-base balance.
An alkaline diet does not put the whole body in an alkaline state, which would be just as unhealthy as an over-acidified body.

The alkaline diet deacidifies the connective tissue, the lymph, the small intestine, and all other organs and body areas that need a basic pH.

At the same time, the alkaline diet ensures that the stomach acid production is not too weak and not too strong and that in the colon, beneficial bacteria can settle again.

alkaline diet

Chronic acidosis: The difference

The hyperacidity is not just about the acidity in the blood; on the contrary, even with chronic acidosis, the blood is still alkaline.
The body tries to keep the correct blood pH level of about 7.4. Because even a small change in the blood pH value of less than 7.35 can be life-threatening.
Some areas of the body can be chronically acidic.

If the pH level of the blood suddenly drops, it can be a life-threatening condition. For example, for people with diabetes as a result of insulin deficiency or kidney failure when dialysis is needed.

Conventional medicine calls this dangerous drop of pH acidosis. But a chronic sour condition of the blood has nothing to do with acidosis.
So conventional medicine believes that the acidification hypothesis is nonsense.
Chronic acidosis is NOT an acutely life-threatening acidosis, but a chronic condition – often over many years and can manifest in chronic diseases.

Because of their chronic property, chronic acidosis can be influenced by an alkaline diet. In acute acidosis, this would not be possible. In severe acidosis, there is no time for a diet change, and it needs rapid action.

Prevent chronic disease with an alkaline diet

More about Diet and Nutrition here > Basic-Diet-Part-2

See also >Why Alkaline Vegan Recipes Are Good For Your Health

A Study on the alkaline diet