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What Is The Secret Of An 113 Years Old And Healthy Man?

An 113 year old Arizona Man tells his secret

113 years old and healthy man tells us how to stay young. He has discipline and looks much younger – unbelievable younger. Is it his walking every day ? The local and natural food he eats? the good and plenty rest? maybe the combination of all this is what keeps him healthy . He has a secret of five foods which he said keep him in  good conditions.

One of this foods will surprise you and you will love it. He knows : “You are what you eat”. Who does not want to get older , he wants to be happy and healthy ?Health is really the biggest wealth, nothing is more important.Read what this amazing man has to tell and you may follow and use his secret.


What Is The Secret Of An 113 Years Old And Healthy Man?

An Arizona man, Bernardo LaPallo, is 113 years old and feels great! Many think he’s much younger. His skin is wrinkle-free and he’s still quite active. What’s the key to his longevity? He says it’s all about obedience and moderation. He says, “Obedience is the key. Moderation is the backup.” (1)

About three years ago, he was interviewed and received two-thirds of a million views on Arizona’s News YouTube channel, sharing his secret for a long and full life. He credits his health to getting plenty of rest, eating right, walking every day, and eating local organic fruits and vegetables. He claims he has never been sick in his life. (2)

As Bernardo simply tells us, “You are what you eat!” (2) He says that his secret contains these five foods: garlic, honey, cinnamon, chocolate, and olive oil.

Read here what he explains  about this five foods >113-Year-Old Man Reveals Five Foods for a Long Healthy Life

Watch Bernando make his famous fruit salad

Also read Healthy Juices And Smoothies That Energize And Make Fit