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A Easy Vegan Vegetable Stir Fry You Will Love To Try Out

This is a Vegan vegetable stir fry for every time of the year

A vegan vegetable stir fry you will love. It is the right food for this time of the year. Buckwheat soba noodles and some spices make it tasty. If you joined the Veganuary movement, this is something that keeps you happy. A healthy and satisfying food.

What is soba?

Soba, Japanese translated means “buckwheat” and also describes the same noodle, which has a centuries-long tradition in Japan. Buckwheat grows on less fertile soil and has many positive qualities. It has a relatively high amount of protein and vitamin B and, after all, is also regarded as a healthier type of cereal.

But: Soba is not the same as Soba. Whether you order them in a traditional eatery, for example, on the Japanese island of Shikoku, or in a fast food restaurant in a central station environment, where the noodles are cheaper and usually have a certain amount of wheat, decides on the taste.

Handmade “real” soba noodles made from 100 percent buckwheat are widely appreciated throughout the country. No wonder: Mastering the production requires over three years of training. It concerns the composition of the buckwheat grains and water, the kneading technique, and, above all, the thickness that the hand-cut pasta should have later.

You can find Soba noodles today in every good-stocked supermarket, of course in Asian stores, and on the menu in Japanese restaurants.

These Japanese noodles are a calorie wonder. Soba is a culinary delight that does not make you fat! 100 grams have just 236 calories, which is significantly less than the variant of durum wheat semolina, with about 356 calories. Noodle does not have to be a figure enemy.

If you are already a vegan, this will be a new addition to your menu, and the whole family will enjoy it. It is a simple but very tasty dish.  Enjoy

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Get the whole recipe here > Vegetable Stir-fry.

More recipes here >Must Try Vegan Recipes – Toasted Cashew Stir-Fry And More.

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