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Tips On How To Start The Raw Food Lifestyle (video)

Here is how to start the raw food lifestyle

Many would like to live a healthier life but feel helpless. How to begin, what to buy? Is it fast and easy? Do I need a lot of new things for my kitchen?
No matter what time of year you are in. There are always ways to enjoy more food, uncooked and raw. It’s not important how you start, but that you start. Take the tips that feel right for you and integrate them into your everyday life.

Cravings and binge eating often come from a nutrient deficiency. Our body counts nutrients, not calories. Raw superfoods are a quick and easy way to provide you with essential nutrients daily.

Raw food is not complicated. Almost everyone eats something raw more or less often, an apple, lettuce, cucumber, and berries in summer. And you know many more fruits and vegetables even if you haven’t eaten them raw yet. The good news: pretty much all vegetables, salads, and fruits you can eat raw without any problems.

In addition to this abundance of fresh food, you can eat nuts, kernels, and seeds. Algae that you can either pick yourself from the sea or buy dried.
Here you get the answer. How to start a raw food lifestyle. It is a lifestyle with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. There are wonderful recipes, and finding what you really like is not difficult. It is amazing what a variety of delicious meals, juices, and smoothies can be created. Not to forget the desserts. Start the raw food lifestyle and rejuvenate your body.

There are many raw food recipes you can find  in abundance on the Internet, also here in the blog,

       See the video.

How To Start

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