Coltsfoot Herb The Best Remedy For Cough
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What is coltsfoot?
Coltsfoot herb is native to Europe, Asia, and North America. The medically helpful material originated earlier, mainly from wild collections in Italy and the Balkans. Today drug material from the cultivation of genetically Equivalent variety Tussilago farfara “Vienna” is more used. In herbal medicine, one mainly uses the dried leaves of Coltsfoot (Farfrae folium). Previously, people used even the herb, the flower heads, and the root
Characteristics of coltsfoot herb
One of the first wildflowers in Spring is the yellow flower of Coltsfoot.
Often People mix it up with the Dandelion flower, but Dandelion blossoms after it has Leafs.
Looking more closely, you can see the difference. The roots and the stems have fine scales. The small flower heads are golden and are coming in the cold March, sometimes even through the snow. The heart-shaped leaves appear only after flowering. And the small fruits have fine silky hairs. Do not confuse the yellow flowers with dandelions.

Coltsfoot Herb features
The Coltsfoot leaves are good for skin problems; they kill bacteria and stop bleeding and inflammation.
The juice of the fresh leaves in warm milk is beneficial for asthma and bronchitis. The juice dropped into the ears works against an earache.
Inhaling the steam of the leaves or flowers is good for shortness of breath. Swollen feet help a bath with a tea of the leaves.
Coltsfoot grows everywhere, even in very poor soil.
Coltsfoot herb is a perennial, up to 30 cm high herb. It blooms from February to April. The leaves show a typical horseshoe shape. They are on top green and silver on the underside. The bright yellow flower heads with narrow ray flowers appear even before the leaves, reminding a little bit of dandelion flowers. The drug material is characterized by thin, about 20 cm wide, lobed leaves. The leaves are hairy on the underside. Young leaves also bear on top of the petioles of the drug component. Coltsfoot spread no particular smell. The taste of the herb is weak and slimy sweetish.
Coltsfoot, also called “Tussilago farfara,” is a medicinal plant. It has a particular healing effect on all respiratory complaints. The plant is perfect for coughs. The Latin name “tussis ago” means “selling cough .”The dried leaves and roots you can harvest until fall and burn; the use of the smoke of the Coltsfoot herb was traditionally to clean the air.
The Coltsfoot poultice is good for mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It relieves the discomfort. Meanwhile, the industry has checked the ingredients of the plant. Only in the case of overdose and continuous intake, it may attack the kidneys. As is the case with many medicinal plants, we must, therefore, follow the dosage.

The plant is found throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. It grows on forest edges, clearings, meadow edges, stream banks, and roadsides. It is a robust plant that is often considered a wild weed.
Story of coltsfoot herb
It is recorded that the plant was ordained earlier, Mercury. No one knew of the healing effect of respiratory problems. As the coltsfoot herb grows everywhere, it was very often used. One can say that the Coltsfoot is an old home remedy. It has been handed down and passed down through many generations.
Practice application areas of the herb
- Cough
- Difficulty in breathing
- Smoker’s cough
- BronchitisFever
- Engorgement
- Inflammation
- Burns
- Sunburn
- Fistulas
Coltsfoot herb tea
Take one teaspoon of dried leaves for ½ liter of hot water for tea. The tea should stay for 5 minutes, then remove the leaves. You can drink 2 to 3 cups a day of it.
Two heaped teaspoons of dried coltsfoot flowers
150 ml boiling water
Pour the boiling water over the flowers. Cover and let the tea steep for 5 to 10 minutes, and strain the grounds. Drink a cup sweetened with honey 2-3 times a day.
You can use the tea for skin problems, especially inflammation and burns, for washing or compressing.

Body care with Coltsfoot
Use Coltsfoot tea for oily skin and scaly, greasy hair. Heat 500 ml of water to the boiling point for a decoction, add two tablespoons of the leaves, and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, let stand for ten minutes, and strain. Use the herb decoction to wash your face or massage your hair and scalp.
Six teaspoons of leaves you soak with 150 ml of hot water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Soak a cotton cloth with the liquid and lay it on the chest—repeated daily application of the poultice when coughing helps. One can take a course over the period of one month and apply the poultice also for various skin problems.
Poultices for skin complaints
Folk medicine uses wraps and compresses with Coltsfoot to treat abscesses on the skin, minor burns, insect bites, and eczema. Poultices with fresh leaves should help against rheumatic complaints.
- Essential oils
- Mucilage
- Bitters
- Tannic acid
- Tannins
- Inulin
- Mineral
- Nitre
- Saponins
- Alkaloids
- Zinc
Effect of Coltsfoot Herb
The healing effect mainly helps respiratory problems. One can apply the Coltsfoot internally and externally.
Poultice also helps with various skin diseases.
The native Americans used to smoke them against lung disease and mixed them with tobacco and other herbs.
The dry leaves burned, it is said, causes prophetic dreams and vision.
People looking for a romance should wear the leaves as a necklace or sprinkle them around the house.
The Coltsfoot Plant has the first wildflowers in Spring; they are edible, and you can add them to a salad and taste similar to licorice or anise.
Here is a Coltsfoot Sorbet Recipe

Edible Flowers: How to Find & Use Them in Recipes
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