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Why Is Magnesium Important To Keep You Healthy?

Magnesium is essential in our diet – What can it do for you?

Are you often hungry or in the mood for chocolate? Do you wake up in the middle of the night with muscle cramps? Your eyelid twitches nervously and doesn’t stop?
Then you may be lacking Magnesium. Sleep problems, migraines, and constipation are other common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Fatigue and listlessness can also be a sign of a deficit in the magnesium balance. And how about your sleep quality? But how do you get enough of the mineral? Find out below.

Magnesium deserves our attention.

It plays an essential role in numerous processes in your body, which range from proper muscle function to healthy energy metabolism, bone function maintenance, and the nervous system’s normal functioning. It is essential when it comes to being able to relax the muscles. Logically, it can lead to all sorts of problems if your organism does not have enough Magnesium available.

What are the causes of magnesium deficiency?

Plants and soils are low in minerals. Today our soils are even more exhausted and lower in minerals than ever before. Of course, every year in industrial agriculture, wasteful amounts of synthetic fertilizers are used to wrestle ever higher harvests from the soil.

The producers are not in the least interested in the mineral content of the food. After all, no consumer can choose his diet according to this criterion since nobody can see how many vitamins and minerals a vegetable or fruit contains.

Your body will notify you if you do not get enough of this vital mineral. However, Mother Nature doesn’t let us down and serves us a variety of beautiful foods that are full of high Magnesium.

Why Is Magnesium Important To Keep You Healthy?

Magnesium deficiency has many faces.

Your cells need Magnesium to function correctly. If the super mineral is missing, its function is limited.

If you don’t sleep well or wake up a lot at night, it could be because your magnesium levels are low. GABA, an essential neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, is produced in the brain and helps make you feel calm and relaxed. For your body to maintain healthy levels of GABA, it needs Magnesium.

If you feel stressed and are often worried or even afraid to walk around the world, there could also be a connection to your magnesium level. Magnesium and pathways in the brain interact and can cause stress. If there is a lack,  you can feel anxiety, and stress, even more intensely.

Perhaps you also feel that your hormones are out of balance, that your moods are on a roller coaster, or that you regularly develop cravings for mainly sweet, salty, or fatty foods? Too little of the mineral can be responsible for this.

Magnesium plays a significant role in the endocrine system and influences essential hormones such as estrogen, serotonin, dopamine, etc. What phenomenal influence hormones can have on us, everyone has probably experienced. It is good to advise you to strive for an entire hormonal balance.

 Migraines and headaches. 

Anyone who occasionally or regularly suffers from headaches or even migraines knows how you are no longer able to participate in the good life. Magnesium acts similarly with so-called neurotransmitters as it does with hormones. These are found in the brain and also influence the onset of headaches or migraines. If there is too little Magnesium for the processes, there can be difficulties in the process and, consequently, pain.

Why Is Magnesium Important To Keep You Healthy?

Do not let a deficiency develop in the first place.

You do well to eat many foods rich in Magnesium. Thanks to Mother Earth, there are plenty of them.

We can find vital minerals in almost all-natural foods. The best sources are mainly nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, cashews, and almond kernels. Also included are oatmeal, whole grain rice, millet, and legumes.

When it comes to fruit and vegetables, bananas, spinach, broccoli, kale, and avocados can keep up. The good news for all chocolate lovers is: Cocoa is one of the foods most abundant in Magnesium. 

Magnesium in your diet every day (Recipes)

The official recommendation for an adult woman is around 300 mg per day. Men should consume a little more, namely approx. 350 mg magnesium per day. However, the body needs more Magnesium under certain conditions. These include intense physical or psychological stress, pregnancy, profuse sweating, or certain medications like the pill.

If a woman consumes about 50g millet, 100g spinach, 30g almonds, 100g banana, and 50g lentils, she is good to go. 

You can quickly and easily spice up meals. Sprinkle a few pumpkin seeds over your salad, or mix some sunflower seed puree into your dressing. It is also delicious to add almond butter to your porridge. Enrich your green smoothie with a little avocado and add a banana.

See also How To Know If You Have Vitamin Deficiency – The Signs.

 Magnesium-Rich Foods and Why You Need Them


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See also > All About Magnesium.

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